Monday, October 21, 2024


Maybe I should shout out, "I'm back!" I began this blog over 15 years ago when I had a lot of churchy things on my mind. I have deleted many of those posts and un-published the rest, partly because many of them are no longer relevant, and some because I read them again and realized that they need to be reworked. I may bring them back in the future.

Allow me to introduce myself and my family. I'm called many names - Kay, Mom, Nana, and Sis, among others. I have been married to Dennis for most of my life. Our family has grown and changed since the last time I blogged. We have two handsome sons, Dale and his beautiful wife, Raye Lynn, and Aaron. We now have five grands - Maggie is almost a teenager, Isaac (our only boy) is 10, Charley is almost 9, and Shelbie is 4. Shelbie's sister, Sophie, lives in heaven along with other family who have gone ahead of us. 

There are a lot of things that you will see on this updated blog. There will still be "churchy" things, and you will also see stories about discipleship, cooking, family, holidays, and really anything that God puts on my mind when I sit down to write. Oh, and there may be occasional short stories or excerpts from something I'm working on, too.

You may have gotten here by clicking on a link from my website. There will be more updates soon. If you didn't come here from that website and you're interested in what's over there, here's the link: Let me know what you think, but please be kind. This is the first webpage I have ever done, and it took what seemed like forever.

I'll be back later this week to check in and show you my 2025 planner. I am extremely proud of how it turned out, and am thankful that God (and family and friends) pushed me to do it. Have a blessed week!

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